Literary Management


Anuja Varghese wins the 2023 Writers' Trust of Canada Dayne Ogilvie Prize for LGBTQ2S+ Emerging Writers

Anuja Varghese wins the 2023 Writers' Trust of Canada Dayne Ogilvie Prize for LGBTQ2S+ Emerging Writers for her short story collection, CHRYSALIS, from House of Anansi Press.

Jury Citation Excerpt:

Chrysalis is an electric array of queer, feminist, and mythical short stories. Varghese uses aspects of Hindu folklore and magical realism to transform her stories into powerful tales. Elements of queerness are sprinkled throughout, turning our perception of love stories on their head. The writing is focused and vivid with characters that are unapologetic and feisty; they love who they love and do not shy away from stepping into their powerful selves. —Writers’ Trust of Canada Jury

Read the full citation and more here.