Literary Management


Canadian English and World (Excl. Canada) rights to Katłįà Lafferty's MOTHER EARTH IS OUR ELDER

Two-time NorthWords Award winner, enrolled member of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation, and first climate writer-in-residence at the West Vancouver Memorial Library, Katłįà Lafferty’s MOTHER EARTH IS OUR ELDER, an urgent and meditative work grounded in northern Dene wisdom and cultural laws, exploring place-based teachings, food sovereignty, institutional design problems, environmental racism, and the ongoing Land Back movement, in a six-figure deal, to Gabriella Page-Fort at HarperOne (World, Excl. Canada), and to Stephanie Sinclair and Kelly Joseph at McClelland & Stewart (Canada, English), by Cody Caetano and Rachel Letofsky at CookeMcDermid.