Literary Management


Adriana Barton and Merilyn Simonds are shortlisted for the 2022 Science Writers and Communicators of Canada Book Awards

Adriana Barton and Merilyn Simonds are shortlisted for the 2022 Science Writers and Communicators of Canada Book Awards.

Adriana Barton is shortlistedfor her scientific memoir, WIRED FOR MUSIC: A Search for Health and Joy Through the Science of Sound.

Merilyn Simonds is shortlisted for her biography about Louise de Kiriline Lawrence, WOMAN, WATCHING: Louise de Kiriline Lawrence and the Songbirds of Pimisi Bay.

For over 20 years, the Science Writers and Communicators of Canada (SWCC) has recognized outstanding contributions to science writing with the annual SWCC Book Awards. —SWCC

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