Literary Management


Several CMD authors are finalists for the 2023 National Magazine Awards

The finalists for the 2023 National Magazine Awards are:

Billy-Ray Belcourt: Fiction | “One Woman’s Madness” (Maisonneuve)

Aviva Coopersmith: Best Emerging Writer Award and Personal Journalism | “The Lie That Made Me” (Toronto Life)

Larissa Diakiw: Feature Writing | “The World We’re Losing” (Hazlitt)

Nicholas Hune Brown: Long-Form Feature Writing | “The $11 Billion Subway” (Toronto Life) , Profiles | “The Real MVP” (Business Magazine, Report)

Allison LaSorda: Short Feature Writing | “The Sum of Its Parts” (Maisonneuve)

Lisa Moore: Fiction | “The Coming of the Tempest” (Cottage Life)

Fawn Parker: Short Feature Writing |”The Prescription” (Maisonneuve)

About the award from The National Media Awards Foundation:

Through its awards program, the Foundation promotes the development of healthy journalism by encouraging both seasoned professionals and the next generation to continue their vital work for our society. —National Magazine Awards

The winners will be announced on June 2, 2023

Read more about the award here.