Literary Management


Jasmine Sealy and Téa Mutonji win the 2023 Writers' Trust Canada McClelland & Stewart Journey Prize

Jasmine Sealy and Téa Mutonji have won the 2023 Writers' Trust Canada McClelland & Stewart Journey Prize.

The Writers’ Trust McClelland & Stewart Journey Prize prides itself in introducing readers to the next generation of great Canadian writers. The award is given annually to emerging writers of distinction for a short story or excerpt from a fiction work-in-progress…the Journey Prize commits to amplifying the voices of writers who have historically been marginalized by systemic inequality, including within the publishing ecosystem.

Jasmine Sealy has won for her short stories, “Cave” (published in Prairie Fire) and “Collapse” (published in Room).

Téa Mutonji has won for her short stories, "The Photographer's Wife" (published in Maisonneuve) and "Property of Neil" (published in Joyland).

Read more about the award here.