Film and TV rights to Jesse Ruddock’s SHOT-BLUE optioned to Broken Head Pictures and Serendipity Point Films
Film and TV rights to Zoey Leigh Peterson’s NEXT YEAR, FOR SURE optioned to Simon Mcnabb
BBC commissions TV series for UNIVERSITY CHALLENGE all stars Eric Monkman & Bobby Seagull
TV Rights to Amy Stuart's STILL MINE optioned to Lark Productions
Film Rights to Amy Jones's WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER optioned to Katie Boland
Film Rights to Guy Vanderhaeghe's MY PRESENT AGE & three short stories optioned to Lair
Tv Rights to Neil Smith's BOO optioned to Fresh TV
Film And TV Rights to Deborah Campbell's A DISAPPEARANCE IN DAMASCUS optioned to Terry George (Hotel Rwanda)
Film rights to Jeff VanderMeer's HUMMINGBIRD SALAMANDER
Bestseller, Film/TV, Six-figure dealPaige SisleyJeff VanderMeer, Netflix, Michael Sugar, Ashley Zalta, Sugar23, Joseph Veltre, Gersh, Sally Harding, Anonymous Content